We guarantee spot free, streak free windows!*

If you are not satisfied, we will come back and make it right.
“Rain-Coat” Guarantee
If it rains within 24 hours of our cleaning, we will clean any window spotted by the rain for free!**
Contact Us Today
*While it is our objective to make your windows shine, it may be impossible to help all windows. Windows with broken seals, hard water stains and/or defects present between panes of glass can sometimes only be corrected by replacing the glass.
**Our Rain-Coat guarantee does not apply to glass with hard-water stains, unless you have paid us to remove the hard-water stains and the spotting occurs as a result of the rain. It does not apply to glass behind screens if we did not clean the screens. You must call us within 24 hours of the window cleaning in order to exercise this option. Re-work will be completed at our discretion and at a time convenient for us. This guarantee applies only to windows with stains as a result of a rainfall. We can stand behind our guarantee because of the strength of the solution we use, the care we take in cleaning your windows, and we know that rain doesn’t “spot windows”, dirt and dirty screens do.